Veduplay Math

4.5 ( 7235 ratings )
Jogos Ensino Pedagógico Família
Developer: Maneesh Dhabria
1.99 USD

Veduplay Math is a fun-filled app to teach basic math concepts of addition, subtraction and related operation facts. With 25+ challenging levels, objective in each game is to guide the character across the screen by balancing the central rod before the sun sets!!

Kids can add or subtract balls in the boxes so that total balls on one side is equal to total on other side allowing the character free movement across the screen. Kids visually understand the concept of addition and subtraction by pressing buttons in each box. As they learn to balance the rod, the concepts of equation (balancing two sides) is also implicitly understood. The first 5 levels contain only one box on left side of screen. From Level 6 onwards, there are 2 boxes on left side. The total number of balls in boxes to left of screen have to match those in the box on the right side.

Some Important Maths Concepts Covered
1. Addition
2. Subtraction
3. Addition and Subtraction Facts
4. Basic Equation Concepts

Kids can tap on the buttons wherever visible at the top of boxes to add or subtract balls. The sun moves across the screen acting as the game timer. If the player feels that current position is the right answer, they can stop the timer by clicking on the sun and checking the answer. There is small hint sign every time the player seems confused and has not touched the screen in a while.

Parents can also track the level progress summary in the home screen by pressing pause button and going to home screen to see which levels have been cleared.